How can I get VIP-access?
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Author:  Auril [ Tue Apr 21, 2020 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  How can I get VIP-access?

Q: How can I get VIP-access?

A: If you donated on SubscribeStar or Patreon, you can get access to the latest content right on those pages.

If you would like to receive VIP-access on this website ( as well, please leave a comment with the required information to confirm your transaction in this topic: Donated, or send a private message to Auril. Depending on the chosen platform, the following information is going to be required:

  • SubscribeStar & Patreon: your nickname on one of these platforms
  • PayPal & Yandex: none (if you already submitted the required information while donating on these platforms) - just leave a comment, or send a message that you donated

After you have submitted the necessary data, it will be checked and if your transaction is confirmed, you will be moved into a new user group - this process is done manually within a few hours on average. Once you get access, your username will become green and you will find several new VIP-forums available right under the public ones on this website.

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